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4 Signs it Might be Time for a Facelift

Aging takes its toll on the body and perhaps most noticeably – the face. Refreshing the face is much easier than it used to be, and can give you a more youthful appearance – which can make you feel younger too!

A facelift addresses and removes facial wrinkles and sagging facial skin caused by aging. Facelifts vary in intensity. “Lunchtime lifts” are minimally invasive and offer men and women rejuvenating differences in a short spurt of time. More extensive plastic surgery may include the removal of excess skin, tightening facial tissue and muscles and the restoration of facial and neck skin.

Many people opt for less intensive facial enhancers, such as dermal fillers. Dermal fillers work great for small, shallow wrinkles and general touch-up. But eventually, it might be time for a facelift. Here are four signs it might be time for a facelift:

Your face no longer displays your youthful spirit, and you are generally unhappy with the way it looks. A facelift is meant to make you feel more confident and happier with your overall appearance. ThinkstockPhotos-537989411-300x223 4 Signs it Might be Time for a Facelift

  1. Deep wrinkles are beginning to set in, and you are showing signs of facial aging.
  2. Skincare products or dermal fillers aren’t making a difference anymore. These products work well for young skin with a lot of elasticity. Once your skin begins to sag, and wrinkles get deeper, a more intense anti-aging approach is needed.
  3. Your skin is beginning to sag, and you feel it is creating obstacles in your social life, career, or confidence.

A facelift can rejuvenate the entire face with just one surgery, reducing your appearance by 10-15 years and giving you beautiful results for over 10 years. There is no other procedure on the market like a facelift to re-contour the neckline and jawline, and if anti-aging skin creams or dermal fillers are no longer working for you, a facelift can help.

If you would like to remove the unwanted signs of aging and reshape and rejuvenate your appearance, contact us to request a facelift consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian R. Buinewicz at Buinewicz Plastic Surgery. Dr. Buinewicz works with a specialized team of professionals and offers a number of beautifying plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures at our Doylestown, PA, and Flemington, NJ offices, which serve the residents of Hunterdon County, NJ and Bucks County, PA.

To learn more about facelifts or to schedule a consultation contact us today!

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