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How Can a Plastic Surgeon Help Treat Your Acne?

womens-face-massage-2 How Can a Plastic Surgeon Help Treat Your Acne?Most of us, at one time or another, have suffered from embarrassing acne breakouts. Acne is caused by bacteria which normally occur in the body. They are usually released when the skin sheds the outermost layer of dead skin cells. However, sometimes the bacteria become trapped within the skin. This results in a pimple that can leave lasting scars. There are several methods that plastic surgeons use to treat the ravaging scars left by acne. Acne treatments includes:

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to safely remove the top layer of skin. This results in depressed acne scars becoming smoother and more even skin color. Peels are most helpful in treating minor acne scars. The surgeon applies the chemical to the skin with a cotton tipped applicator, starting at the forehead and moving over the cheeks to the chin. Various chemicals are used, depending on the severity of scars. Light peels require no healing time while deeper peels often require a maximum of two weeks to heal.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing is regarded as the  most effective in treating superficial scars left by acne. A laser is used to remove the top layer of skin, allowing new skin to grow. The ultrapulsed carbon dioxide laser, the erbium YAG laser and the pulsed dye yellow light laser are most commonly used lasers plastic surgeons used for treating acne scars.


Dermabrasion procedure uses an electric sanding tool to remove the upper layers of a patient’s acne scars. A new layer of skin replaces the abraded layer of skin. Lighter-skinned individuals generally benefit from better results because they are less likely to develop increased pigmentation after the med spa procedure.


Microdermabrasion has tiny particles pass through a vacuum tube to gently scrape away the top layer of scarred skin. This procedure is gentler than dermabrasion and requires less healing time. This also stimulates new skin growth. Patients with mild scarring are the best candidates, but multiple treatments are usually required to achieve the best results. This procedure is safe for most people because it usually does not produce any significant damage to the skin.

To learn more about these spa services and other cosmetic surgery options, please contact

Buinewicz Plastic Surgery for a complimentary consultation at (215) 647-9668. We have two locations: Bucks County, PA and Hunterdon County, NJ.

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