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What Is The Tummy Tuck Recovery Like?

We can all relate to desiring washboard abs, and hours at the gym doing crunches are sometimes are not enough. Weight loss and childbirth often make achieving that perfect six-pack impossible. A tummy tuck is a surgical treatment alternative that can help you get a...

Mommy Makeover Commitment

Just like the decision to start a family, the decision to undergo a mommy makeover should be carefully considered. The best candidates for this procedure are women who are at or near their ideal weight but may have some post-pregnancy imperfections they want to...

Tackling Body Contouring Myths

Our practice offers about nine different body contouring service/procedures. Many of which can be combined or tailored to your aesthetic wish list. It’s important to do your research and consult Dr. Brian Buinewicz before committing or rejecting a body contouring...


Abdominoplasty (or Tummy Tuck) is a plastic surgery procedure that tightens the muscles and removes loose skin and fat from the abdomen, so it appears flat and toned. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a typical abdominoplasty removes up to 10...