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How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?

ThinkstockPhotos-167481225-252x300 How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation?Summer is rapidly approaching, along with the dreaded bikini season. Does the idea of wearing  an itty, bitty bikini top cause you to break out in a sweat? Most women admit to toying with the idea of undergoing a breast enhancement surgery at one time or another. Pregnancy, weight loss and aging are three factors that can affect the overall appearance of a woman’s breasts. Breast lifts and breast augmentations are the two most popular methods of breast enhancement, but how of you know which one is best for you? Well, keep reading….

 What is a Breast Lift?

 A breast lift raises and firms the breasts for a whole look. While this may result in additional cleavage due to surgical repositioning of the breasts, this technique does not increase overall breast size. A breast lift is a great solution for drooping or sagging breasts.  The nipple is repositioned for a more natural look, and the results include a firmer and perkier appearance to the breasts. However, there are some drawbacks to the procedure. More scarring usually results when compared to a breast augmentation procedure. The results may not be as dramatic as a woman hopes for, since the overall size of the breast does not increase with the breast lift surgery.

 What is a Breast Enhancement?

 This surgery actually increases overall breast size by placing implants into your breasts. There are two types of implants, either saline or silicone. Saline implants are usually the less expensive option, but they can leak and may require additional surgeries. For this reason, many women choose to pay a little more for silicon implants. The benefits of breast augmentation surgery include inconspicuous scarring, as well as larger and fuller breasts. However, breast augmentation surgery does not include repositioning of the nipple, which may be necessary for a more natural look.  An additional lift procedure is required for nipple repositioning. It can be performed either at the same time as the breast augmentation or shortly thereafter.

Which One Is Right For Me?

This is a very personal question that only YOU can answer. Generally, women who have sagging breasts will probably want to consider a breast lift. However, this may result in a significant amount of scarring. For women who do not experience any sagging but want to increase overall breast size, a breast augmentation is probably a better decision. This will increase overall breast size and provide additional cleavage. Some women decide to have both procedures, often at the same time, in order to achieve the look they desire. You should work together with your doctor to determine the best choice for your individual body shape and needs.

To learn more about these treatment and other cosmetic surgery treatment options, please contact Buinewicz Plastic Surgery at 215.647.9668. We have two locations: Bucks County, PA and Hunterdon County, NJ.

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