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National BOTOX® Day Is Coming!

Every year in November, women and men who enjoy getting a refreshed and rejuvenated look have a holiday to celebrate: National BOTOX® Day! On Nov. 20, BOTOX® manufacturer Allergan unveils savings on the injectable treatment, as well as other opportunities for wrinkle-relaxing rewards. Even better news is that they’re not the only ones excited about BOTOX®. The PA and NJ areas’ Buinewicz Plastic Surgery team also honors the day—and wants to be sure you, are patients, know what to expect!

First of all, know that you need to be a member of Allergan’s rewards program, Alle, in order to take advantage of the deal. You have plenty of time to sign up before Nov. 20, but be sure to do so!

On BOTOX® Day itself—Nov. 20—you can visit the Alle site to buy a $50 BOTOX® gift card and get a second gift card of the same value for free.

For the entire month of November, if you refer a friend to Alle and they sign up and make a purchase within 60 days of their registration, you’ll both get $50 off of a BOTOX® treatment. See how the savings add up?

Finally—and this is the big one—if you register with Alle by Nov. 30, book a consultation for a treatment, and get an actual BOTOX® treatment, you will be given a chance to win $10,000! Think of how many BOTOX® treatments (and more) you could get with that money!

There are, of course, some terms and conditions you can read about on the Alle site. You can also get more information about what BOTOX® can do—but in the meantime, we’ll help you out:

BOTOX® can smooth horizontal forehead lines, the 11s that develop between your eyebrows (frown lines), and lateral canthal lines (also known as crow’s feet). It’s also FDA approved for reducing underarm perspiration by reducing activity in sweat glands.

Injection sessions are brief with very minimal discomfort and no down time needed after. The results can last for months!

For more information about wrinkle-relaxing BOTOX®, other injectable treatments, BOTOX® Day, and anything else you may like to talk about with Buinewicz Plastic Surgery, contact us online or call 215.647.9668.

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