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Silicone vs. Saline – Which is Right for Me?

If you’re thinking about breast augmentation or reconstruction, it’s important to know the difference between silicone and saline implants. Both have been found to be safe for the body, but the two types offer several differences and women prefer each for different reasons.

What They’re Made Of ThinkstockPhotos-167481225-252x300 Silicone vs. Saline - Which is Right for Me?

Silicone implants are made of a gel-like substance that feels like a gummy bear. They are a great choice for women do not have much soft tissue coverage. The incision for silicone implants is slightly larger because they come pre-filled. Saline implants are inserted into the chest empty and are filled with sterile salt water after they are in place. Saline implants feel more like a water balloon than a gummy bear. Many women feel that silicone implants look and feel more natural and saline implants look stiffer and unnatural – though you should feel and inspect both implants to see which you prefer.

Possibility of Rupture

Though rare, implants can rupture. If a saline implant ruptures, you will feel and see the implant deflate. Your body will absorb the harmless, leaking saline. If a silicone implant ruptures, you will likely not see or feel it right away like a saline implant.

Age and Price

Saline implants are available to any women over the age of 18. However, the FDA has ruled that silicone implants are only available to women over the age of 22. Silicone implants can be up to $1,000 more than saline.

So, Silicone vs. Saline?

The differences in the two types of implants are minimal. Both are safe for the body – your choice will depend on your personal preference. Contact us to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Buinewicz. During the appointment, the differences between the two substances will be discussed. Dr. Buinewicz will provide guidance and recommendations about the various breast implants available.

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