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Solutions for Sagging Skin in Bucks County, PA

Sagging-Skin Solutions for Sagging Skin in Bucks County, PASagging skin is a natural part of the aging process, and it is one of the main reasons that you have wrinkles and creases on your face and body. Loose skin emerges with age because your body produces less collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin that what it loses.

Non-Surgical Options for Sagging Skin

Not everyone needs surgery to address sagging skin. Advanced technologies are available that help your body develop more collagen to create the support structure that your skin needs. Three of our most popular non-surgical skin tightening treatments are ThermiRF® and microneedling. No downtime or recovery is required, and your body gradually develops new collagen, so the change is not as sudden as with surgery. Skin tightening with ThermiRF® ranges from $1,500 to $4,000 per session. Microneedling ranges from $100 to $700 per treatment.

Plastic Surgery for Loose Skin on the Body

If you have moderate to severe sagging skin, you may be a better candidate for surgery. The primary benefit is a dramatic improvement to your appearance. In some cases of severe sagging skin, such as skin folds, the creases may cause chafing and skin infections. This is most common amongst men and women who lose a significant amount of weight. Sagging skin can be remedied on any area of the body with surgery. The costs of the procedure may be $4,000 to $5,000 or higher. We can discuss the cost of your plastic surgery for sagging skin at the time of the consultation. Options are:

  • Thigh lift surgery requires four to six weeks for full recovery
  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) recovery is at least six weeks
  • Breast lift surgery requires about six weeks for full recovery
  • Neck lift recovery is about two weeks
  • Arm lift surgery requires at least two to three weeks for recovery

People who lose a large amount of weight often have sagging skin over the entire body. In these cases, we recommend a body lift. Recovery from a body lift, as well as cost, varies significantly because the surgical plan is tailored to the patient.

Sagging Skin on the Face

As skin starts to sag on your face, you develop fine lines that become wrinkles. Over time, as the skin continues to sag, the wrinkles become folds and creases. In these advanced cases, we recommend a facelift. The procedure removes the excess skin and fat to give your face a smooth, youthful appearance. The surgery produces the most dramatic anti-aging benefits available. If you have sagging only in the lower portion of your face, you may be a good candidate for a mini facelift. Facelift surgery can be combined with a neck lift. Recovery from a full facelift takes at least two weeks. A mini facelift may cost around $3,000, and a full facelift may cost $15,000 or more.

Contact Buinewicz Cosmetic Surgery & MedSpa to Find Out How to Correct Sagging Skin

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options for correcting sagging skin.

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